MERC Research Engineering Projects
MERC has experience conducting research engineering projects for both government and commercial clients, serving a wide variety of needs. Explore some of our past research engineering projects by clicking the links below:
AC-130W 105mm Flight Testing and Analysis
MERC has worked alongside the United States Air Force (USAF) Special Operations Forces (SOF) Engineering to ensure the continued safety of USAF personnel and the aircraft during sustained operation of major weapon systems present on the…
Determination of Vibrational Loads for the HH-60G Pave Hawk Helicopter
MERC developed a method of incorporating vibratory components of flight loads into quasi-static load signatures to provide a complete picture of the structural vibrations experienced by the HH-60G helicopter during flight. The work incorporated modal analyses…
The Aircraft Component Remaining Useful Life Evaluator (ACRULE) is an engineering analysis tool that calculates the remaining useful life (RUL) for H-60M airframe and dynamic components based on actual usage. Off-board regime recognition (RR) algorithms process…
AFIRM-M Config Tool
MERC developed the Aging Fleet Integrity and Reliability Management Multiplatform (AFIRM-M) database for fleet configuration management, stress analysis and reporting, community interaction support, system safety management, airworthiness certification workflow automation, and numerous other capabilities. This configuration…
Individual Aircraft Tracking Programs MERC provides application development and support services for the C-130 System Program Office’s Automated Inspection, Repair, Corrosion, and Aircraft Tracking (AIRCAT) system. AIRCAT is the Individual Aircraft Tracking Program (IATP) of record…
C-130 Center-Wing Section Fatigue Test
MERC tested redesigned structural components of the C-130 aircraft center wing. The redesigned center wing structural components were subjected to both fatigue loading under flight load spectra and static testing beyond the design ultimate load of…
C-130 RBF Tooling
MERC developed new Rainbow Fitting (RBF) installation tooling and two separate installation procedures. One set of procedures were created for the removal, replacement, and milling of legacy rainbow fittings using the new tooling set. The second…
F-15 Avionics Bus Controller
MERC developed a Central Computer Simulator for the F-15 in support of the Electronic Warfare Group at Warner Robins Air Logistics Center. The simulator application provides MIL-STD-1553 Avionics Bus control and supports communication with remote terminals…
F-15 Fuel Cell Ergonomic Intervention
MERC performed a series of tasks in the successful execution of the F-15 Fuel Cell Ergonomic Intervention. First, MERC identified the ergonomic risks involved in the fuel cell build-up tasks required during the F-15 rebuild process.…
Flight Maneuver Recognition for the H-1 Helicopter
MERC recently developed flight maneuver recognition algorithms in MATLAB for both UH-1N and TH-1H helicopters. The algorithms determine the actual usage spectrum from historical flight data recorded by the Loads / Environment Spectra Survey (L/ESS) system.…